school bus stop arm

Griffin-Spalding County School System (GSCS) students report back to school on Monday, August 5. Here are some important safety reminders to help students, families and staff have a safe and successful school year.

  • Please use caution around cross walks and bus stops. Watch for students and crossing guards.

  • Please be aware of adjusted speed limits in school zones. Reduced speed limits in school zones are in effect one hour before the start of school and one hour after school ends. School zone cameras are in place at many school zone areas in our community. School times are:
    Elementary School – 7:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
    Middle School – 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
    High School – 8:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.

  • Never pass a school bus when the lights are flashing indicating that it is slowing or stopped to load or unload children. GSCS buses have stop arm cameras and the state of Georgia raised the fine for passing a school bus to $1,000. 

  • Allow extra time to get to school or work in the mornings so you are not rushing.

  • Do not use your cell phone while behind the wheel of an automobile.

  • Any parent wishing to enter a school must come to the front entrance with their identification, press the call button on front door camera for admittance and check in at the front office.

  • Middle and high school students must have clear book bags. Students, staff and guests will pass through the Evolv weapons detection systems entering high school buildings.

  • Uber and other outside delivery vendors should not be called by students for safety reasons.

  • Please Slow Down and have patience around schools, school buses and student drivers.